What are some of the varieties of rubber products that you get in the market?
Rubber products have gained a lot of ground in recent times. These products are heralded from the lap of nature and hence are very ecofriendly and handy. Rubber is a resistant material which can be moulded into almost anything and everything. Another striking feature about rubber is that it is durable and can be used for a substantial amount of time. The rubber industry is also one of the most important revenue-generating industries of today. You can find out how rubber has become essential in the production of a large number of everyday items. Uses of rubber and its products cover a varied range spanning from its industrial usage to uses in everyday household. These products as mentioned are heralded from nature and hence are ecofriendly and do not add up to the pollution index of the world. From pencil boxes in schools to tyres of huge loader trucks, rubber is something that has proved it’s essentiality over time. Everyday a new rubber product is being introduced in the market. Let us get through them.
Variety of rubber products
We will go through some products of rubber that are into everyday use.
Rubber stamp – rubber stamps are very much in use. From enterprises to offices to portfolio holders in various organizations rubber stamp is a must for all of them. This is the sole medium that leaves a mark min the minds and hearts of people. Rubber stamps connects you with your customers and makes a clarity of impressions. Rubber stamp is used for various official purposes like in schools, offices and in courts. If you are a gazetted government official, you will also have your own rubber stamp.
Rubber tubing – rubber tubings are used in many industries owing to their durability. There are various types of rubber tubings which are used according to the occasion. Two of the very common materials that are used in these rubber tubings are latex rubber tubing and silicone rubber tubing. Although both of these materials have their own group of advantages and disadvantages, these two materials are the dominating ones in this industry. These tubes can absorb high shocks, vibrations of any kind, can absorb sound and also these can dampen all types of pressure surge.
Rubber adhesives – rubber adhesives are widely used in industries. There are vtwo basic types of adhesives that are being used. One is the silicon and the other is the acrylic adhesive. Both of these adhesives are used in the making of polymide tapes. Generally, the polimide tapes have a double layer coating. One layer of that coating consists of polymide film and the other layer of the coating requires the rubber adhesive to be applied to that film. Silicon adhesives are seemed to be used widely for the sealant layer. Whereas there are other products whose requirement is to have acrylic adhesives on the tape.
Rubber bands – rubber bands or industrial rubber bands to be precise are very thick rubber bands which are used in a variety of industrial works. These rubber bands are much more durable in strength than the regular rubber bands in use at our households. These rubber materials are tough, durable, and resilient as these are made from heavy duty rubber bands which are ready to withstand tough industrial pressures. These bands are one of the most utilized rubber products as they can stretch upto twice or thrice their resting lengths.
Rubber lining – rubber lining is undertaken to give protection against abrasion and corrosion in the chemical industry. Uses of different and harmful chemicals destroy the setting of industries. To prevent this from occurring rubber linings are used. In resistance to various chemicals as well as acids the material has to be tough and resilient and that is when rubber becomes the first choice for lining. For example, you can go through some of the linings in gaskets, pressure cookers etc. that allows food to get cooked faster. There are a host of such industries flourishing in every nook and corner of the world.
Conclusion –
Rubber products have always been very ecofriendly, not adding up to the pollution index of the world. From our homes to small and big industries rubber products have gained a lot of momentum in this century. This material is becoming the very first choice for companies all over the globe.