How to Get the Most Out of a Fireplace
Opting for a natural and wood fireplace is one of the most perfect and common ways to generate warmth in the winters. However, are you getting the most out of the fire? Take a look at some of the ways in which you will be able to improve the efficiency of the fireplace this season.
Prepare the wood adequately
Prior to burning the firewood, you need to make sure that this is properly seasoned. If you use wet wood, then it may result in excessive smoke and this may lead to wastage in smoke. If you cut the firewood all by yourself then make sure that you follow the tips given below to ensure that it has dried properly.
- Split the wood in a wide range of sizes so that these can properly fit into the stove. However, you need to also make sure that the sizes are so that these burn properly.
- Stack the wood split down and also off the ground as this will circulate air around the wood.
- Now, cover the top of the stacked woods with the help of sturdy tar for providing it the best protection from rain and snow.
- Softwoods have to be persevered for about 6 months, while hardwoods should be preserved for 12 months.
You can use a wood moisture meter for testing the moisture level of the wood.
Obtain local wood
If you do not want to store wood in the yard for a year before using, then you can also get local wood for your fireplace. You can get is from a local distributor. You should always purchase from a local shop and ask for only woods that are dried and seasoned. Apart from cutting down the carbon footprint of the wood, if you purchase it from a local shop you can remain in compliance with the local, as well the state ordinance that can restrict the firewood that is out of the state.
Learn before you start the fire
Lighting the fire might seem like a simple task but you need to be careful while building a strong burning fire. This creates more heat with less supply of wood. Here are few steps that you can take to do it in the right manner.
- To start, you need a small fire having a dry kindling. Thereafter, you have to add some pieces of wood. Provide sufficient air to the fire by opening up the air controls until you find it roaring.
- You have to burn the fire for heating the chimney before you add more wood to it.
- Make sure you keep space in between the firewood when you add more and more wood. You have to maintain a hot and bright fire. Do not let it smolder in any way.
For maintaining proper flow of air in your fireplace, you need to remove the ashes from the wood burning place on a regular basis. You can put it in metal containers and place it outside. Avoid burning garbage like the plastics and cardboard might damage the stove. In fact, this might lead to major health concerns.
Circulate the toasty air
The warmth of the wood burning stays immediately around the fireplace and does not circulate around the home. You can take simple steps to circulate the air spread in an effective manner and this can make your house comfortable in winter. You can run the ceiling fans at low speed. This will help you in redirecting the warm air from the ceiling towards the walls.
Make sure that you take proper care of the wood burning place. Clean your fireplace from time to time to reduce the risk of chimney fires.